BJJ Stevenage
First session back after Christmas, everyone feeling fat, good work guys 40 mins drilling double/single leg takedowns #stevenagejudo...
BJJ classes tonight
Guys tonight we have BJJ 7.30 till 9, will be covering Judo, wrestling & lots of sparring. We've had lots of Non members ask if they can...
Judo Grading
Judo journey continues, thanks to Graeme Welsh of WGCjudo awarding me a Green belt, also well done to long suffering judo training...
No Excuses
#martialarts #stevenagejudo #bjjfitness #junior #fitnessbjj
Judo Brown Belt
Big congrats to Robbie Burns on achieving his Judo Brown Belt #martialarts #stevenagejudo #fitnessbjj #bjjfitness
Thursday night Judo & BJJ
Well done to all the guys/girls last night, 1 hour of Judo then 1 hour BJJ sparring. The 4 guys that had to leave early & miss the last...
BJJ Open mat
Tonight at 7pm BJJ Open Mat #martialarts #stevenagejudo #fitnessladies #juniorkarate
Want to thank all the team for looking after the gym while we were away on our Hols. #karate #martialarts #stevenagejudo #kravmaga
Student of the week
Well done Toby Pepper, student of the week, enjoy those sweets #junior #martialarts #stevenagejudo #bjjfitness
Jeet Kune Do
Monday night is Jeet Kune Do night Visit to register for1 week Free trial 5.30 5-8yrs Juniors Jeet Kune Do 6.20...