Monday Night Kali
Beginners Kali, students concentrating hard to learn Heaven Six double stick drill. #mma #bjj #kickboxing # Letchworth #kickboxi...
BJJ English Open
Well done to all the guys that entered the British BJJ open, Jay Provan (gold), Nick Evans and Chris Lewis #kickboxingstevenag #kickboxi...
MMA classes Tue & Thurs
#kickboxing #letchwor #mma #kali #juniormartialar #grappling
Half Term juniors times
Reminding parents that there is no change to class times over half term. Class timetable
New Wednesday Junior Class
Thanks to parents & juniors on attending the new Wednesday junior class. 8-13 yr olds are now Mon, Wed & Thurs 18.20. To view timetable...
Beginners BJJ & MMA
Beginners BJJ & MMA drilling armbar from Mount. 3 X 20 rounds of armbars. Visit timetable @!timetable/cjg9...