Martial Arts timetable
For full timetable visit #kickboxingstevenagegym #bjjjuniormartialarts
BJJ comp
Good luck to all the fighters competing at the Hertfordshire BJJ open tomorrow. Reminder there is no early morning Open Mat on Sat...
junior classes
Junior classes all back to normal start times from today Please note we now have an extra class for the 5-8yrs on Wednesdays Please...
Junior Martial Arts
Parents, just reminding everyone junior classes are all back to their normal times from Monday Please note we now have an extra class...
Last Thursdays Judo class Visit for full timetable Thursday night is Judo night 6.20 Jeet Kune Do juniors 5-12yrs ...
Judo @ Stevenage
Beginners Judo @ Stevenage #bjjjuniormartialarts #kickboxingstevenagegym
mma no gi comp training
Tonight @ Andy Nugents Academy of martial Arts 7.30 MMA (No Gi comp training) 8.30 BJJ #bjjjuniormartialarts #kickboxingstevenagegym
classes back to normal
Classes back to normal after Bank Hol, For timetable have a look at #bjjjuniormartialarts...
Kali Jeet kune do
Kali Koffee club, everyone supposed to be working hard for their next grading #bjjjuniormartialarts #kickboxingstevenagegym
New timetable
Check out our new timetable #bjjjuniormartialarts #kickboxingstevenagegym